Calcasieu Ship Channel Salinity Control
Calcasieu Parish, Louisiana

MSMM is working to deliver salinity control measures to marshes located near the Calcasieu Ship Channel in southwestern Louisiana. The overall Calcasieu Ship Channel Salinity Control project is managed by the client, the Coastal Protection and Restoration Authority (CPRA) of Louisiana. This project proposes the development of a project to manage salinity in order to reduce the rate of wetland loss within the Calcasieu-Sabine watershed region. The project aims to address long-term sustainability, while considering the economic needs of the region. The concept solution is a large-scale tide gate across the mouth of the Calcasieu Ship Channel; solutions to be analyzed include a variety of hydraulic and coastal structures.
MSMM is currently designing two features of this project. The two projects designed by MSMM consist of the West Pass and Joe’s Cut project features. As part of developing these features, MSMM is responsible for project management, topographic, bathymetric, and magnetometer surveys; geotechnical data collection and engineering; collection and reporting in support of regulatory compliance, landowner notification/ROW drawings and complete engineering design of the salinity control and shoreline protection measures. Following the initial survey and geotechnical investigations, the MSMM engineering team decided that the best alternative for this project to meet the restoration goals would be to construct combi-walls (combination of pipe piles and sheet piling). The design of the West Pass and Joe’s cut Combi walls, a distance of roughly 3,000 feet, is currently progressing and preliminary submittals have been made. It is anticipated that this project will be bid ready in the spring if 2020.
Calcasieu Parish, Louisiana
Coastal Protection and REstoration Authority of Louisiana