Causeway Boulevard and Scott Street Sewer Lift Station Improvements
Jefferson Parish, Louisiana

MSMM was tasked by the Jefferson Parish Department of Sewerage to provide full engineering design for sewer lift station rehabilitation to the Causeway and Scott Sewer Lift Station located in Metairie, LA. The existing Scott Street lift station is a submersible pump station with a buried fiberglass wetwell containing three pumps and a buried fiberglass valve pit. The 10” pipes on each pump combine to discharge into a 16-inch diameter pipe that goes to the Shresbury & Railroad lift station. The lift station required replacement of pumps, piping, valves, controls and other rehabilitation items including elevating the top slab to mitigate floodwaters entering the wetwell.
MSMM tasks on this project consisted of full engineering and design for rehabilitation of this this station. This included: replacing the pumps, replacing the control panel, replacing discharge piping and valves, designing a method to elevate the access hatch into the wetwell and valve pit, repaving the area surrounding the lift station to assist with drainage, adding an emergency pump out (EPO) manhole and adding odor control. MSMM completed full engineering and design in mid-2019. Construction was completed in mid-2022.
Jefferson Parish, Louisiana
Jefferson Parish Department of Sewerage