FEMA JIRR – RR115 Lower Ninth Ward South Group E
Lower Ninth Ward Neighborhood, New Orleans, Louisiana

MSMM was tasked by the City of New Orleans Department of Public Works with performing full engineering design services on multiple blocks of city streets within the West End neighborhood of New Orleans. As part of these design services, the MSMM civil engineering staff was responsible for all impacted concrete and asphalt streets, curbs, driveways, sidewalks, water and sewer relocations, water and sewer house services, catch basins, manholes, and stormwater pipe.
In total, the design has encompassed more than 11.5 miles of City streets, at roughly 120 city blocks in the neighborhood bound by Ponchartain Boulevard, Veterans Boulevard and the 17th street canal on the New Orleans/Metairie line. MSMM was provided a general scope of eligible blocks determined by FEMA. From there, our engineers and field crew were responsible for evaluating the damages and creating an initial design layout for approval by FEMA.
Once FEMA approved the specific scope of the project, our Civil Engineers performed the design replacement of multiple concrete and asphalt streets. In addition, intricate drainage design was generated to ensure proper stormwater mitigation of the residential lots and the roadway. The drainage design implements the rational method along with LADOTD hydraulics programs to generate a system that can properly withstand a 10-year 24-hour storm event. Lastly, our Civil Engineers executed the relocation, rehabilitation, and replacement of both the water lines and the gravity sewer lines.
Upon completion of the design, the MSMM team of Civil Engineers and Project Managers have continued to aid the City of New Orleans by providing Contstruction Administration for the duratoin of the project. Tasks for Construction Administration promptly answering RFIs, preparing Field Changes and Plan Changes, running bi-weekly progress meetings, reviewing and approving Contractor Pay Applications, maintaining a strict construction schedle, and overall coordination and facilitation with all entities involved in the project.

Lower Ninth Ward Neighborhood, New Orleans, Louisiana
City of New Orleans - Department of Public Works