PUA & ACUD #1 Drinking Water Infrastructure Improvements – Water Meter Replacements
Ascension Parish, Louisiana

Through a Federal program to fund Environmental Infrastructure programs within local municipalities, MSMM representing the USACE New Orleans District, is working with the Ascension Parish Government (non-Federal sponsor) to prepare plans and specifications for a water meter replacement program in the Donaldsonville area of Ascension Parish. With many of the water meters in this area being manually read meters and well beyond their design life, it was determined to be a valuable project for the parish to not only reduce labor costs but increase revenues since it was estimated the old water meters were under reporting usage by as much as 30% of water used.
MSMM was responsible for providing 100% bid ready plans and specifications (in USACE format) for removal and replacement of approximately 3,500 water meters of various sizes and installation of four fixed location data collection devices to be mounted on water towers located in the project area. Meter removal and replacement included new meter boxes, meters, encoder registers and antenna; traffic control; and removal and replacement of asphalt/concrete driveways and sidewalks. In order to have the new water meters and data collection devices work seamlessly with the other areas of the Ascension Parish water system, data collection and billing software, MSMM prepared a J&A document (Justification for other than full and open competition) to allow the use of sole source product. Additional services performed or to be performed by MSMM included field work, obtaining X-Y coordinates for all meter locations, MCACES cost estimate, coordination with Ascension Parish and agencies having jurisdiction, preparation of Letter Report for Project Partnership Agreement between USACE and Ascension Parish, and assistance the USACE with EA, bidding and construction services.